I’m a wife, mother, marketer, and Jesus lover from the Midwest. I’ve been married to my wonderful husband since 2010 and we are blessed to have a beautiful little boy who keeps us on our toes. I was diagnosed with a rare chronic liver condition called Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis (PSC) in February 2016.
My goals for this blog are to raise awareness of PSC, keep my amazing support system up-to-date on my journey, and help keep me accountable in living a full life no matter how I may be feeling.
One thing that helped me the most when I was diagnosed was reading other PSCer’s stories, but I often found they were from people who were at the end stages of waiting for a liver transplant or post-transplant. My hope is that this blog can provide a glimpse at what it’s like living with a chronic condition from the early stages to wherever it may lead.
If sharing my story helps one person learning of their PSC diagnosis or encourages one person to consider being an organ donor, it was worth it.
Thanks for reading!