I apologize for the delayed update. Being a pregnant, working, PSCer with a toddler running around does not allow for a lot of free time and energy to write a quick blog post at times. 🙂
As planned, I had another ERCP procedure at Rochester Mayo in early July. The doctor was able to successfully remove the existing stent and dilate the entire common bile duct with a balloon-like tool. Â He also dilated as many of the smaller bile ducts as possible without using any imaging due to the pregnancy. The doctor felt as though the problematic area of the common bile duct was open wide enough and did not require another stent placement at this time. He was very knowledgeable and intentionally spent time with us discussing the procedure and answering our questions.
I have experienced fevers and upper right quadrant pain a few times after the procedure. Fortunately, antibiotics and Tylenol alleviated the fever/discomfort rather quickly and I have not had to go back to the hospital. I have also continued to experience some itching, but it’s manageable at this point.
The plan is to remain on the antibiotics for the remainder of my pregnancy, with the hope that I don’t require additional ERCPs or hospital stays.
In lighter news, we did find out we’ll be adding a baby girl to the family! Our two-year-old son lovingly refers to her as “baby chicken” for some reason and I have a feeling the nickname may just stick.  🙂
As always, I’ll continue to do my best to keep you up-to-date on this adventure. Thanks for joining me on this journey.
~Liver Life to the Fullest